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Amchis from Dolpa

Dolpo Amchi Study

Basis of Amchi practice in a Buddhist ideal of the 'Healer Physician', Bodhisattva mind, serving community without direct thought of making a profit from medicine.

The social status of Amchis was to provide medicine to their local people without bargaining for their service and in return clients offer them whatsoever they can to Amchis survival. But now after the decline of Caravan economy or the reciprocal system in barter trade economy the Himalayan communities turned into line of food shortage and other basic amenities of their lives.

Under this socio economic condition Amchi tradition has changed and degenerating, and to the so called influence of 'modernity'.

Amchi knowledge and practice are in threat, more exposed to modern bio medicine and taking away their home environment medicinal plants from them although they have have awareness they don't have right to stop over exploitation of MAPs. If there is no MAPs left in their environment how can they prepare medicines and cure the sick?

The Amchi can plan a big role in biological diversity, conservation and health of mountain regions. In order to sustain Amchi tradition it is crucial to develop a new cash economic system or market economic system through strategic development plan to preserve and promote their holistic medical tradition, improve their livelihoods and safeguard the natural resources.

In the Himalayan Dolpo people mostly rely upon traditional holistic healers who are called Amchi. Amchi are key health service providers to the local people as there are no hospitals or doctors in Dolpa.

The Amchi tradition is under threat. In order to carry on this holistic medical tradition an Amchi school is needed. DBSC aims to motivate young generation to study Amchi medicine.